Super Stardust HD Trophy Patch v4.0 Released, Again.. | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Super Stardust HD Trophy Patch v4.0 Released, Again..

8 07 2008

Super Stardust HD

IC3BLAK has got in touch with us again, and has confirmed that the Super Stardust HD trophy patch v4.0 has now been re-released. So, head on over to Super Stardust HD (that is, if you have it) and launch the game, the patch should begin to download.

It’s trophy time!



One response to “Super Stardust HD Trophy Patch v4.0 Released, Again..”

8 07 2008
PS3 Firmware v2.41 Now Live! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more! (17:45:27) :

[...] from one of our readers, Anand (PSN ID: IC3BLAK) that the Super Stardust HD update v4.0 has been released! Check it out here. not yet been re-released. We’re expecting the update to be re-released again sometime soon, [...]

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