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PS3 Firmware Update v2.40 Removed From Sony Servers!

3 07 2008

Playstation 3 Update v2.40 Removed From Sony Servers

That’s right folks, the long awaited PS3 system software v2.40 has been removed from the Sony servers. This may come to a surprise for some, but the new firmware update has been reportedly causing numerous PS3 bricks (no video/sound output - black screen, failure to use the system).

If you’ve already updated to v2.40 on your PS3, you should be okay. Don’t worry about bricking and rendering your PS3 useless. As long as the update v2.40 installed correctly and you’ve not experienced any errors/freezing with the console, it’s unlikely for you to experience any problems. Please remember that only a very small percentage of PS3 users have experienced a brick due to updating to v2.40.

For those who didn’t get the chance to update to v2.40 just quite yet, you will notice that your system should say you’re on the latest PS3 firmware update (assuming you’re currently on v2.36) and you will have to wait until Sony have released a revised version of v2.40 to experience the In-Game XMB/Trophy system!

Sony have said they’re “looking into it” (concerning the PS3 bricking issue), and we’ll let you know if we hear any more updates from Sony.

Sony reveal v2.40 firmware trophy system (part 2)

30 06 2008

If you haven’t already read/watched part 1 of this news post, we suggest you do so right now by clicking here!

In this second video, Eric Lempel reveals how the PS3 trophy system works in v2.40. He shows us how to earn the trophies, how to compare trophies with friends, and of course - the little message that pops up in the top right hand corner of the screen when you’ve earned a trophy! Check out the video below for yourselves:

We’re really looking forward to v2.40, with all the new enhancements and great features. Asking “Are you?” would be stupid, cause we already know the answer to that! ;)

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PS3 Firmware 2.36 Released, 2.40 Coming Soon!

18 06 2008

PS3 2.36

Sony have released PS3 update 2.36 today, the same day v2.40 was allegedly being released. The update is very minor, perhaps it has something to do with v2.40?

Here’s what PlayStation had to say:

A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) has launched, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles.

Like I said, very minor update! But there’s some even better news for us. v2.40 firmware has been confirmed by Sony and here’s what they had to say regarding the future update:

We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements.

Very exciting Sony, but there’s no release date..? When can we be expecting to see this - perhaps at E3?

So guys, just sit back, play some MGS4 and we’ll keep you keep you posted!

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Insomniac announces Resistance 2 Home and Trophy Support

11 06 2008

Resistance 2

Insomniac have recently been in touch with Eurogamer and have said that Resistance: Fall of Man will not be receiving Home and trophy support for the game when firmware 2.40 & Home is released. However, Insomniac said that their sequel to Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, will have full trophy and Home support.

We’re pretty sure that many PS3/Resistance owners out there will be perfectly fine with this decision, seeing as Resistance 2 comes out in November, and many PS3 owners who still play Resistance 1 will probably decide it’s time to move forward and play Resistance 2. Let’s just hope Home and trophy support is released before Resistance 2 is released!

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