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Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!

15 07 2008

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Alright everybody, we all know what happened yesterday, at Microsoft’s E3 - Final Fantasy XIII will now be released on the 360 as well as PS3. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, however, the title Final Fantasy XIII Versus is still a PS3 exclusive, so it’s not all that bad.

Sony’s E3 press conference just finished, and I must say - some bombs have been dropped. The conference revealed some amazing upcoming titles and updates for Sony PS3, PS2 and PSP.

This is going to be one big-ass post and we don’t want to kill the homepage, so to view the full post and all the exciting details on new PS3 exclusives and software for this year’s Sony PS3 press conference, click below:

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Sony reveal v2.40 firmware trophy system (part 2)

30 06 2008

If you haven’t already read/watched part 1 of this news post, we suggest you do so right now by clicking here!

In this second video, Eric Lempel reveals how the PS3 trophy system works in v2.40. He shows us how to earn the trophies, how to compare trophies with friends, and of course - the little message that pops up in the top right hand corner of the screen when you’ve earned a trophy! Check out the video below for yourselves:

We’re really looking forward to v2.40, with all the new enhancements and great features. Asking “Are you?” would be stupid, cause we already know the answer to that! ;)

(3 users have said 'Thanks'!)
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Sony unveils PS3 v2.40 firmware video (part 1)

30 06 2008

Okay, so not long ago Sony informed us of their official confirmation regarding PS3 v2.40 firmware update. We also saw a video of v2.40 displayed on a debug PS3 unit in it’s development stage. But now - finally - we get an official video from Sony demonstrating v2.40 in it’s final development stages! Check it out below:

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