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Nintendo E3 press conference over, a quick recap..

15 07 2008

For those who didn’t see the Nintendo E3 press conference which has just recently finished, here’s a quick recap at what happened throughout the show:

Shaun White Snowboarding:
9.05AM: Snowboarding game using the Wiimote and balance board demonstrated by Shaun White.

Shaun White Snowboarding Wii

Animal Crossing Wii Demo:
9.25AM: A demo of Animal Crossing shown, confirmed release date this year. Wiispeak is announced, microphone for Wii and use in Animal Crossing.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Rayman Raving Rabbits TV, Call of Duty: World at War Trailers Displayed:
9.37AM: All above shown, trailers etc.

Guitar Hero, Spore - DS:
9.41AM: Guitar Hero On Tour DS Displayed
9.42AM: Spore Creatures DS Displayed

GTA On the DS:
9.43AM: GTA on the DS officially announced to arrive this Winter.

Wii Motion Plus Announced:
9.47AM: An addition to the current Wiimote, an add-on which increases sensitivity etc on the Wiimote.
9.48AM: Wii Sports Resort Announced, comes with the new Wii Motion Plus add-on.
9.50AM: Wii Sports Resort Demoed with the new Wii Motion Plus.
9.55AM: Wii Music Demoed, use the Balance board, Wiimote + Nunchuck to represent musical instruments and play them through the Wii in real time.

Wii Music

Recap of the presentation:
10:10AM: End of the conference.

We were really impressed with the game ‘Shaun White Snowboarding’, it’s a great use of the current Wii balance board. Wii Music looked fun, we’re sure we’ll have a good laugh with it!

Alone In The Dark Released

24 06 2008

Today is the day of Alone In The Dark’s release date, and the game finally hits the stores shelves today!

Hopefully, soon, we will be publishing our review of the game. It will be somewhat similar to our Devil My Cry 4 review we published a while back.

[Buy Alone In The Dark]

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Alone In The Dark Wii Trailer

24 06 2008

A final trailer for Alone In The Dark, showing the Wii’s unique features for the game.

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Alone In The Dark Monsterous Montage Trailer

24 06 2008

Yet another trailer for Alone In the Dark, this time focusing on it’s monsters within the game.

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Alone In The Dark Driving Me Mad Trailer

24 06 2008

Here’s another trailer of Alone In the Dark - focusing on the driving part of the game.

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Alone In The Dark Zombie Trailer

24 06 2008

More AITD trailers? Yeah that’s right! We’ve received some more trailers which we think you’ll enjoy.

Those Zombies look pretty creepy huh? ;)

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Call of Duty: World at War (COD5) Worldwide Reveal Trailer

23 06 2008

Activision have recently released a Call of Duty: World at War trailer, check it out below:

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Alone In The Dark Central Park Trailer #2

13 06 2008

Atari have released yet another Alone In The Dark Central Park trailer. Each trailer Atari releases just make us crave game even more! Check out the trailer below:

11 days to go until it’s release date!

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Alone In The Dark Complete

11 06 2008

Alone In The Dark

Atari has recently announced that their killer (quite literally) title, “Alone In the Dark” game has just about finished it’s development stages and is ready to to be dispatched throughout the gaming world.

Just a quick reminder that the release date for the game is June 24, 2008 and will be published on all major consoles: PS3, Wii, PS2, Xbox 360 and PC. The release date is set for the 24th June, excluding the PS3 which will receive the title later on in the year in Autumn time.

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Call of Duty: World at War (COD5!)

10 06 2008

It’s official. Treyarch’s Call of Duty 5 has been given the title, Call of Duty: World at War. After all the speculation whether this game would be set in WWII or modern day can be put to rest as the game will be set in the Pacific theatre of World War II. This may come across as disappointing for some - it was for me. Modern day warfare (CoD 4) was fun and a good change from Call of Duty’s past line up of games, all set in WWII. But hey, CoD:WaW will be using the CoD:MW game engine so we’ll have to see how it goes!

Call of Duty: World at War (COD 5)

The game will be released on all major next-gen consoles: PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii. Oh, and of course - the PC. :)

Treyarch have announced CoD:WaW to be the first Call of Duty game in it’s series to have an online multiplayer Co-Op! The story mode can be experienced with you and up to 3 other friends. The online multiplayer will have between 2-16 players in each game lobby, just like Call of Duty: Modern warfare currently has.

Here’s a quick taster of what the game’s like:

The opening scene of the first level we are shown is a Japanese commander stubbing a cigarette out in the eye of a prisoner before slitting his throat - the blood splatters and dribbles down the side of the tent you are being held in. He turns towards you to deal out the same treatment but help arrives just in time. Cue a daring level-long escape.

We’ll be hearing more about Call of Duty: World at War later this month, so stay tuned!

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