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PS3 Firmware v2.50 Update Announced

13 10 2008

Eric Lempel over at the PlayStation Blog has just posted what’s new in PS3 firmware v2.50, which will be released within the next few days, here’s the updates:

Support for the PS3 Official Bluetooth Headset - we’ve told you about the upcoming Bluetooth Headset and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation Bundle on the Blog. This latest firmware installment enables High-Quality (HQ) mode, which delivers clear and wide-band online voice chat. On top of that, an added on-screen indicator shows battery status, volume level and use of HQ mode.

PlayStation Trophies interface enhancements - I know that many of you are busy collecting trophies and raising your PlayStation Trophy level. This update makes sharing and comparing your trophies with your friends even easier. On 1st part of the profile page you’ll see a symbol under level that represents level and the actual percentage towards the next level along with the existing level meter. The level symbol carries over to the trophy comparison screen where you will now be able to see your level, your friend’s level and the percentage towards the next level for both users along with all of the game by game comparison information you see today.

Friend status – Offline friends on your Friends list will have information below their avatars that will indicate how long it has been since they were last online.

Video – This update adds the Scene Search feature similar to the feature on the PSP. Activating this feature while viewing a video on the PS3 will break the video up into scenes that you can quickly access by pressing the X button. You can break the videos into one, two or five minute intervals. In addition, you can now choose to have all of the videos under the video section of the XMB play in sequence. Go to Settings then Video Settings to turn this option on.

PlayStation Store – We’ve added a redeem codes option right on the store to make it easier to redeem your PlayStation Network Cards and promotion codes. In addition, PlayStation Network Sign Up and Account Management have been redesigned.

Power Save Settings – You can now set your PS3 and wireless controllers to turn off automatically after set periods of inactivity. Go to Settings then Power Save Settings to turn on these features.

Background Downloading - You now have the option to set the PS3 to turn off automatically after a background download or installation of content has completed. This option is available when you turn off the system from the button under [Users] while content is being downloaded or installed.

In-game Screenshots - this tool will allow everyone to capture, share and in other words, immortalize their favorite gameplay moments. This will be supported on a game by game basis. Please check back to find out which games will support this feature.

Soul Calibur 4 Review/Summary, PS3 & XB360

2 09 2008

Namco’s latest instalment to the Sour Calibur series - Soul Calibur IV, on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Is it worth the purchase? Read on, and you decide.

Soul Calibur Logo

If you’re a Soul Calibur fan, you’ll certainly know that like any other Soul Calibur game you’ve played in the past, the story mode is short and pretty uninteresting. Depending on the character you choose to play as, the story will slightly change; you may fight different bosses or perhaps play in a different arena – that’s all, lets move on.

Soul Calibur

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PS3 Firmware v2.42 Released

30 07 2008

Yep, PS3 firmware v2.42 has been released. Nothing special is included, perhaps it’s preparing itself for Playstation’s Life With Playstation?

Eric Lempel said the update “improves the playback quality of some PLAYSTATION 3 and PlayStation format software”. What these games are exactly, - we don’t know.


Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!

15 07 2008

Playstation Logo

Alright everybody, we all know what happened yesterday, at Microsoft’s E3 - Final Fantasy XIII will now be released on the 360 as well as PS3. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, however, the title Final Fantasy XIII Versus is still a PS3 exclusive, so it’s not all that bad.

Sony’s E3 press conference just finished, and I must say - some bombs have been dropped. The conference revealed some amazing upcoming titles and updates for Sony PS3, PS2 and PSP.

This is going to be one big-ass post and we don’t want to kill the homepage, so to view the full post and all the exciting details on new PS3 exclusives and software for this year’s Sony PS3 press conference, click below:

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PS3 Firmware v2.41 Now Live!

8 07 2008

Update: We’ve just heard from one of our readers, Anand (PSN ID: IC3BLAK) that the Super Stardust HD update v4.0 has been released! Check it out here. not yet been re-released. We’re expecting the update to be re-released again sometime soon, especially considering that v2.41 was released earlier on today (otherwise this update would be partially useless for the time being?!). But until then - continue gazing at my trophy collection, IC3.

Yes, that’s right - PS3 firmware v2.41 is now live!

Eric Lempel reports that they have “been able to fix the problem” regarding the XMB not displaying for some PS3 users.

We assume that trophy patches for games such as Super Stardust HD have been re-released, we don’t know this for sure as we already have v4.0 installed on our systems so if anybody could confirm this for us, it would be great. Either leave a comment or drop us an email. Be sure to leave your name so we know who to thank!

PS3 Firmware v2.41 to be Released on Wednesday?

7 07 2008

Okay so a couple of sites have been reporting that PS3 firmware v2.41 may be released this Wednesday.

We recently got off the phone with Sony, and we asked if the rumours were true (Firmware v2.41 being released this Wednesday). The Sony rep said, “I’m not sure”, followed by “we haven’t been told anything about it yet”.

Well who knows, we’ll find out soon enough if it’s true!

PS3 Firmware Update v2.40 Removed From Sony Servers!

3 07 2008

Playstation 3 Update v2.40 Removed From Sony Servers

That’s right folks, the long awaited PS3 system software v2.40 has been removed from the Sony servers. This may come to a surprise for some, but the new firmware update has been reportedly causing numerous PS3 bricks (no video/sound output - black screen, failure to use the system).

If you’ve already updated to v2.40 on your PS3, you should be okay. Don’t worry about bricking and rendering your PS3 useless. As long as the update v2.40 installed correctly and you’ve not experienced any errors/freezing with the console, it’s unlikely for you to experience any problems. Please remember that only a very small percentage of PS3 users have experienced a brick due to updating to v2.40.

For those who didn’t get the chance to update to v2.40 just quite yet, you will notice that your system should say you’re on the latest PS3 firmware update (assuming you’re currently on v2.36) and you will have to wait until Sony have released a revised version of v2.40 to experience the In-Game XMB/Trophy system!

Sony have said they’re “looking into it” (concerning the PS3 bricking issue), and we’ll let you know if we hear any more updates from Sony.

PS3 Firmware v2.40 Released

2 07 2008

Ps3 Update v2.40

Just a quick note to let you guys all know that the long awaited PS3 firmware v2.40 has finally been released! Head on over to your PS3’s system update now and grab it via the internet.

That’s all I have to say really, so go over to your PS3 and download this update! ;)

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Sony’s PS3 v2.40 Firmware FAQ

1 07 2008

Due to the overwhelming amount of questions Sony have received (and I’m telling you; a lot of questions indeed!), Sony have published an FAQ concerning the upcoming PS3 firmware v2.40 which is being released tomorrow (July 2nd).

Here’s their FAQ:

Will voice-messaging/private chat be featured in 2.40 as well? If not, can we expect to see this feature added in the future?
We are evaluating the opportunity to offer voice chat, but for this update, we wanted to focus on text messaging as the key priority for communications that our users have asked for.

Can you use the web browser in game?
No, you must exit the game before browsing the internet.

Will In-Game XMB come up during playback of PS2 games, Blu-Ray discs, and DVDs?
The XMB is an exclusive feature for PS3 game titles. Accessing the XMB during gameplay was the top request from our users, which we focused on for this update. However, we continually engage PS3 owners for feedback and will evaluate the opportunity to offer XMB access during movie playback in the future.

Can we go to the display settings and change anything there in-game (resolution, input, etc)?
No, you must exit the game before changing these settings.

Will it be possible to change in-game the sound output?
Yes, sound output changes are supported.

Will we be able to access the PLAYSTATION Store while in-game?
No, but you can view your downloads in progress.

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Sony reveal v2.40 firmware trophy system (part 2)

30 06 2008

If you haven’t already read/watched part 1 of this news post, we suggest you do so right now by clicking here!

In this second video, Eric Lempel reveals how the PS3 trophy system works in v2.40. He shows us how to earn the trophies, how to compare trophies with friends, and of course - the little message that pops up in the top right hand corner of the screen when you’ve earned a trophy! Check out the video below for yourselves:

We’re really looking forward to v2.40, with all the new enhancements and great features. Asking “Are you?” would be stupid, cause we already know the answer to that! ;)

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