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Soul Calibur 4 Review/Summary, PS3 & XB360

2 09 2008

Namco’s latest instalment to the Sour Calibur series - Soul Calibur IV, on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Is it worth the purchase? Read on, and you decide.

Soul Calibur Logo

If you’re a Soul Calibur fan, you’ll certainly know that like any other Soul Calibur game you’ve played in the past, the story mode is short and pretty uninteresting. Depending on the character you choose to play as, the story will slightly change; you may fight different bosses or perhaps play in a different arena – that’s all, lets move on.

Soul Calibur

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Dead Space Release Date Brought Forward

30 08 2008

Dead Space Box Art

Good, a game which isn’t delayed for once and this time, it’s coming earlier than scheduled. Dead Space was originally set for a Halloween release (31st October), but has now been brought forward to 24th October in the United Kingdom.

EA hasn’t set a date for the US Dead Space release date yet, but you can bet it’ll be around the same date as the UK release.

Microsoft Announce 20GB Pricecut and a 60GB X360.

14 07 2008

Okay so it’s day 1 of E3, and we’re going to be keeping you up to date with all the interesting announcements which are made from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

Today, Microsoft officially announced that the 20GB Xbox 360 will be sold at $299 per unit. Here’s what Microsoft had to say:

We know consumers need more and more space to store the amazing digital content Xbox 360 offers, and we’re giving it to them at no extra charge. No one device offers the depth and breadth of entertainment that Xbox 360 can deliver, and now you’ll have three times the storage to manage all that great content.

As well as this Microsoft have said they will be releasing a 60GB Xbox 360 for the same price as the old 20GB - $349.

Hold up, if you live outside North America - don’t get too excited:

The 60GB Xbox 360 and the 20GB clearance sale are for the US only. We have not announced any changes in Xbox 360 offerings or pricing in Europe.

It’ll be interesting how Sony responds; tomorrow.

Alone In The Dark Released

24 06 2008

Today is the day of Alone In The Dark’s release date, and the game finally hits the stores shelves today!

Hopefully, soon, we will be publishing our review of the game. It will be somewhat similar to our Devil My Cry 4 review we published a while back.

[Buy Alone In The Dark]

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Alone In The Dark Monsterous Montage Trailer

24 06 2008

Yet another trailer for Alone In the Dark, this time focusing on it’s monsters within the game.

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Alone In The Dark Driving Me Mad Trailer

24 06 2008

Here’s another trailer of Alone In the Dark - focusing on the driving part of the game.

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Alone In The Dark Zombie Trailer

24 06 2008

More AITD trailers? Yeah that’s right! We’ve received some more trailers which we think you’ll enjoy.

Those Zombies look pretty creepy huh? ;)

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Call of Duty: World at War (COD5) Worldwide Reveal Trailer

23 06 2008

Activision have recently released a Call of Duty: World at War trailer, check it out below:

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Alone In The Dark Central Park Trailer #2

13 06 2008

Atari have released yet another Alone In The Dark Central Park trailer. Each trailer Atari releases just make us crave game even more! Check out the trailer below:

11 days to go until it’s release date!

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Unreal Tournament 3 for the Xbox 360 Finally Gets it’s Release Date

13 06 2008

Unreal Tournament 3

Midway have recently announced Unreal Tournament 3’s release date for the Xbox 360. Europe will be receiving UT3 on 4th July, whilst the rest of the world will be waiting for their copy of the game 3 days later, July 7th.

PS3 owners may consider Unreal Tournament slightly old now, considering it was released quite a while ago for the PS3 (roughly 6 months ago) - but not so. Midway Games have said that to kick start the Xbox 360’s UT3 sales the DLC that was up for download on PS3 & PC will be pre installed on the 360’s game disk and as well as that, five fresh maps, split-screen support and two more characters to play as will be up for download.

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