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Soul Calibur 4 Review/Summary, PS3 & XB360

2 09 2008

Namco’s latest instalment to the Sour Calibur series - Soul Calibur IV, on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Is it worth the purchase? Read on, and you decide.

Soul Calibur Logo

If you’re a Soul Calibur fan, you’ll certainly know that like any other Soul Calibur game you’ve played in the past, the story mode is short and pretty uninteresting. Depending on the character you choose to play as, the story will slightly change; you may fight different bosses or perhaps play in a different arena – that’s all, lets move on.

Soul Calibur

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Alone In The Dark Zombie Trailer

24 06 2008

More AITD trailers? Yeah that’s right! We’ve received some more trailers which we think you’ll enjoy.

Those Zombies look pretty creepy huh? ;)

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Alone In The Dark: Central Park

4 06 2008

Another AITD video has been released, displaying central park with a mysterious feel towards the video.

Neon Pixels

9 03 2008

Neon Pixels PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
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Ceramic White

1 03 2008

Ceramic White PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
Download Here

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Ferrari 02

24 02 2008

Ferrari PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
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RFA Crysis

23 02 2008

RFA Crysis PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
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Green Eyes

21 02 2008

Green Eyes PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
Download Here

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PS3 PC Conversion

19 02 2008

PS3 PC Conversion PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
Download Here

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God of War 05

17 02 2008

Heavenly Sword PS3 Theme Preview .p3t
Download Here

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