Pain Receives Minor Update | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Pain Receives Minor Update

13 07 2008


We’ve just been informed that PS3’s game Pain has received a minor update.

Nothing great appears to be within the update except just a few bug fixes and adverts for other games avaliable on the PSN store now appear on Pain’s loading screens. We’re guessing that the update is also preparing itself for it’s upcoming trophy update too. That’s right, we think trophies in Pain are not far off!



3 responses to “Pain Receives Minor Update”

14 07 2008
!Yeah! (14:58:14) :


18 07 2008
Anonymous (16:29:31) :

i havent got an update 2 download
is only available in US or Japan?

19 07 2008
p0Wer (21:38:11) :

I have it in the UK.

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