Trailer | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

New Resistance 2 Trailer For E3

15 07 2008

Insomniac have created another great looking Resistance 2 trailer getting us ready for the game release in November 08.

This trailer will be one of the videos used today at Sony press conference - E3. Check it out:

Alone In The Dark Monsterous Montage Trailer

24 06 2008

Yet another trailer for Alone In the Dark, this time focusing on it’s monsters within the game.

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Alone In The Dark Driving Me Mad Trailer

24 06 2008

Here’s another trailer of Alone In the Dark - focusing on the driving part of the game.

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Alone In The Dark Central Park Trailer #2

13 06 2008

Atari have released yet another Alone In The Dark Central Park trailer. Each trailer Atari releases just make us crave game even more! Check out the trailer below:

11 days to go until it’s release date!

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Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailer #3!

29 05 2008

Here’s the last of the teaser trailers of AITD from Atari, next up is gameplay!

Teaser #3:

Keep checking back for more AITD videos.

Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailer #2!

29 05 2008

Like I said, more trailers on the way.

Check out trailer #2:

Looks sweet doesn’t it? ;)

Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailers!

29 05 2008

Are you looking forward to AITD as much as we are?

Check out this teaser trailer, which I have to say… is amazing.

More trailers on the way!

Wii Links Crossbow Training Trailer

17 10 2007

For anyone who’s interested, here’s a little preview of the Wii Links Crossbow Training Zapper/Game: