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Alone In The Dark Released

24 06 2008

Today is the day of Alone In The Dark’s release date, and the game finally hits the stores shelves today!

Hopefully, soon, we will be publishing our review of the game. It will be somewhat similar to our Devil My Cry 4 review we published a while back.

[Buy Alone In The Dark]

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Alone In The Dark Wii Trailer

24 06 2008

A final trailer for Alone In The Dark, showing the Wii’s unique features for the game.

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Alone In The Dark Monsterous Montage Trailer

24 06 2008

Yet another trailer for Alone In the Dark, this time focusing on it’s monsters within the game.

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Alone In The Dark Zombie Trailer

24 06 2008

More AITD trailers? Yeah that’s right! We’ve received some more trailers which we think you’ll enjoy.

Those Zombies look pretty creepy huh? ;)

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Alone In the Dark: General Information

29 05 2008

Alone In The Dark

Taking the fear to a new level, the next-gen Alone in the Dark features the macabre style of the series played with new gameplay mechanics and a broader-reaching, action-packed play style. Explore fully-interactive realtime worlds, interacting with physics and roaming the wide-open, fright-filled environments.

The release date for the game is June 24, 2008. The PS3’s AITD game release may not be 24 June, 2008 as the release date is yet to be announced. The game will be published on the following consoles:

• PS2
• PC
• XBOX 360
• Wii
• PS3

This next-gen Alone in the Dark is also built around a unique episodic game structure — the story is split into a number of distinct 30-40 minute episodes, doled out one at a time as you play. Each time the player launches a saved game, the episode will begin with a video summary of the previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in the story and removing the need to remember where they were or what they were doing. Every episode will close with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle players’ nerves, and if the player is leaving the game a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave them wanting more.

Alone In the Dark: Gameplay Footage!

29 05 2008

After watching all those teasers, you’d surely want to watch some gameplay right? Well here it is! AITD gameplay just for you guys ;)

Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailer #3!

29 05 2008

Here’s the last of the teaser trailers of AITD from Atari, next up is gameplay!

Teaser #3:

Keep checking back for more AITD videos.

Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailer #2!

29 05 2008

Like I said, more trailers on the way.

Check out trailer #2:

Looks sweet doesn’t it? ;)

Alone In The Dark Teaser Trailers!

29 05 2008

Are you looking forward to AITD as much as we are?

Check out this teaser trailer, which I have to say… is amazing.

More trailers on the way!