One handed PS3 controller, Xbox 360 version coming soon | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

One handed PS3 controller, Xbox 360 version coming soon

25 10 2007

Independent game accessory designer Benjamin J. Heckendorn (a.k.a. Benheck in the gamers’ circle), designed a controller exclusively for one-handed use. The PlayStation 3 console prototype controller has all the features a standard controller has and is configured for either handiness.

The controller is named “Access Controller”, and is the second prototype designed by Benheck. A cool feature is that you’re able to switch around the buttons to wherever you want on the controler suiting your own prefrence.

Benheck says there is also an Xbox 360 version in the making.

Here are some images of the Access Controller in action, as well as views of it from different angles:

Although it seems pretty fun, I think I’ll stick to my 2 handed SIXAXIS controler ;)



15 responses to “One handed PS3 controller, Xbox 360 version coming soon”

25 10 2007
25 10 2007
Halo3 Chatter Blog » Blog Archive » One handed PS3 controler, Xbox 360 version coming soon (09:21:33) :

[...] handed PS3 controler, Xbox 360 version coming soon PS3Vault wrote an interesting post today on One handed PS3 controler, Xbox 360 version coming [...]

25 10 2007
68bands » Blog Archive » One handed PS3 controler, Xbox 360 version coming soon (15:01:03) :

[...] story here This entry was posted on Thursday, October 25th, 2007 at 8:57 am and is filed under xbox. You can [...]

25 10 2007
chankya (22:48:16) :

This is because X-boX 360 is back in the race with Sony PSP games and PS3. Microsoft want to mark his presence in the market, and this will give him a chance.

26 10 2007
82spots » Blog Archive » One handed PS3 controler, Xbox 360 version coming soon (03:25:03) :

[...] here for full story Filed under: wii [...]

30 10 2007
Playstation » One handed PS3 controller, Xbox 360 version coming soon (10:46:33) :

[...] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptIndependent game accessory designer Benjamin J. Heckendorn (aka Benheck in the gamers’ circle), designed a controller exclusively for one-handed use. The PlayStation 3 console prototype controller has all the features a standard … [...]

17 12 2007
Phil (16:28:51) :

Want a free 360 to go with the one handed controller? Go to for help on getting a free xbox 360 package

25 01 2008
Lynn (03:26:23) :

This is a great idea! I had a stroke 3 years ago and I’ve just been using the regular ps3 controller with one hand, but this is super awesome.

7 02 2008
Robert Church (06:58:37) :

Bens work is great, but until there is the capacity and realization by the gaming designers that not all gamers are equally abled, and that there is a substantial market for this, it will be relegated to “ooh thats neat” status. I lost my arm 3 years ago this august to cancer, and have gotten damned tired of the non-commital responses to development.

28 03 2008
Tom Bannister (21:59:16) :

One handed PS3 Controller? In my dreams.
I lost the use of my left arm in a motorcycle accident, 3 years ago. At the time I had just bought GTA San Andreas and after 10 weeks in hospital I was desperate to try it out. Luckily for me, a reasonably quick search of the internet, found a one handed PS2 controller, stocked by some far sighted company in HK, who were knocking them out for HK$29.95 plus HK$6.95 p&p.
The paralysed arm was only one of a shopping list of injuries, operations and complications that left me with a lot of time on my hands, well hand!
So when my lovely and very understanding wife saw me drooling over a PS3 12 months ago she secretly bought me one for my birthday (at which time, of course the secret was revealed). Did I mention her only fault, apart from the gorgeous green eyes, the long blonde hair and the substantial jumper bumpers, which is that the lift does not go all the way to the pent house.
No disrespect intended, I love her to bits but when it comes to Playstations, she cannot tell her one handed PS2 controller from her wireless, six axis PS3 controller, for which, two hands would seem to be the minimum requirement.
The PS3 is extremely aesthetic as it sits gleaming beneath the 37″ wide-screen HD TV I bought to go with it and plays DVDs with all aplomb of an automated projectionist, but its raison d’etre is to play games, beautiful, intelligent, bloodthirsty games, more sophisticated than anything the games industry has ever seen. So seeing it pining away, under a plethora of chick flicks and period dramas, wife and 3 daughters, aged 14 - 23 to support, (even the dog’s a bitch) and not an online war game in sight, it almost breaks my heart so, to prevent my poor, stressed, underused PS3 from heaving itself from the so called DVD stand and throwing itself to it’s doom, on the hardwood floor, I desperately need a one handed PS3 controller. Expense need not be an issue, I can always sell the wife’s car, or I could keep the car and sell the… maybe not, can’t see her agreeing to that, even though she says she loves me.
Its not for me you understand, its all for all that japanese circuitry lying exposed on my living room floor and the bloody dent I will have to get out of a hardwood floor!

1 04 2008
OneArmBandit (18:22:18) :

I’m happy to see someone atleast trying to solve the problem of controlling game consoles with one hand, unfortunately this device looks as though it will be somewhat complicated to use. wouldn’t it be easier to design a joystick, or perhaps a device which allows one-handed gamers to connect and program a PC controller of their choice for use on the x-box360 or PS3? How difficult would it be for Microsoft or Sony to adapt their software to allow the 360 or PS3 to accept a usb PC controller like a flightstick? Why not let the gamer decide how they want to control their games? But that will never happen, because big companies like Microsoft and Sony don’t care about the relitively small number of handicapped gamers. What else is new?

1 05 2008
FiveFingerz (06:36:18) :

Tom Banister (above post) we have a lot I mean a lot in common sir. 12 years ago I lost the use of my left arm in a motorcycle accident also,
i also live in a house full of females daughters the wife and the dog is even a lady . I never had the luxury of playing PS2 with a “one handed controller” I just adapted and made the best of it as I am doing with the PS3 you should give it a shot I play COD4 pretty well with one hand the only thing that bothers me is the L1 and L2 buttons if I could switch the L1 and R2 buttons I’d be kickin ass. L1 is aim and R1 is shoot and its the same for most games if i had aim L1 as the R2 button I could aim and shoot pretty well instead of trying to push the L1 button with my leg or my hand that doesnt work. But I still manage to do halfway decent.

If there is anyone out there that can walk me through rewiring a PS3 controller to make the R2 button do what the L1 button does please contact me fivefingerz(at) gmail(dot)com. Also it would be great for someone to mod a PS3 controller to work with the XBOX 360 which I recently bought and have a hell of time playing with one hand cause the controller is so bulky and spread out.

If any of you other guys that posted above are curious about how I manage to play with one hand hit me up at the e-mail address I posted above. I’d love to help ya out.

3 10 2008
Laura (23:11:12) :


I’ve read all the comments. I’m a 30 year old woman and i have a handicap since birth. My left arm doesn’t work the way i want it to. I like to play with playstation 3 with friends, but it’s always a frustration when i can’t keep up with them, because i have to do all things with right hand. An extra problem is that the controller always slips away. I’ve seen a controller for WII and i’m wondering if there’s something like that for PS3. I hope someone can help me, and maybe there’s a way how i can contact sony (playstation). I am from Holland, so my English is not this very well, but i hope to hear some suggestions. when mailing me, please mention a subject, so i know it’s not publicity. my email is [email protected] Thanks

4 12 2008
valerie (22:07:26) :

Hi, I’m one handed (right) I just called sony canada. And told me that they don’t make controllers(one hand). I don’t ps3 yet,I was woundering if there is one, so I can play most of the games. If not than I won’t buy ps3. Please let me know. Thank you.Val.

5 12 2008
Holly (13:04:39) :

I think this is great. My son was injured several years ago and does not have the use of his left arm. I always wondered why they could not develope something for people with the use of only one hand. Can’wait to purchase this for him. Will this be on the market soon?

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