Call of Duty 4: Weapon stats, explosive stats, perk stats + more! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Call of Duty 4: Weapon stats, explosive stats, perk stats + more!

11 03 2008

So, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players I’m guessing you’ll be interested in this!

Each image shows stats etc for weapons, explosives, perks used in the game online and there’s one final image showing all the 1 - 10 prestigue levels made by us.

Weapon stats: (click to enlarge)

Call of Duty Weapon Stats

Explosive stats: (click to enlarge)

Call of Duty Explosive Stats

Perks stats: (click to enlarge)

Call of Duty Perk Stats

Prestigue levels 1 - 10:

Call of Duty Prestigue levels 1 - 10

Pretty interesting huh? Now you can choose your perfect class from looking at these stats! :)

Don’t forget to visit our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare forums!

Credit goes out to the user who created the weapon, explosives and perk stats images!



8 responses to “Call of Duty 4: Weapon stats, explosive stats, perk stats + more!”

12 03 2008
OG (00:22:19) :

Nice :D

20 03 2008
jack (06:58:47) :

sweeeeet ;D

21 05 2008
dave (13:50:02) :

you forgot some perks

24 05 2008
Free COD4!!!!! (05:10:39) :

Want to play this game for free?!?!?

Well, come on down and sign up via this link, and you can do surveys (which you can easily bullshit with fake info.) to gain points ; with said points you can get COD4:MW for free instead of its $60 price tag!!

You wont regret it!

30 06 2008
ds4life (22:35:25) :

is this for xbox 360

21 10 2008
Copper66 (20:56:57) :

Look for me online so i can pown you haha

22 10 2008
danger granger1 (14:53:34) :

fat boi

13 11 2008
Leigh Solis (00:01:28) :


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