Call of Duty 4 Glitches: Backlot, Bloc & Crossfire! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Call of Duty 4 Glitches: Backlot, Bloc & Crossfire!

2 03 2008

Hey guys so I thought it would be fun to video some of the glitches I knew on Call of Duty 4 and upload them to youtube. :)

Each of the following glitches have been done in old school mode. Don’t play old school mode like me? Well they’re pretty fun to mess around with in private matches with friends.

Backlot glitches:

Crossfire glitches:

Bloc glitches:

Remember: Old school mode must be enabled for these glitches to work. Non-old school mode doesn’t let you jump as high as you can in old school mode so you won’t be able to pull of the glitches without old school mode enabled.




2 responses to “Call of Duty 4 Glitches: Backlot, Bloc & Crossfire!”

11 08 2008
corpes-grinder (01:51:36) :

dude whats ur name on ps3?? mines corpes-grinder add me as a friend

22 11 2008
moronman8888 (04:18:10) :

ya, what is your name on ps3? mines moronman8888 add me if you want to

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