GDC 08: Xbox 360 suffers RROD. | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

GDC 08: Xbox 360 suffers RROD.

23 02 2008

If you thought the red ring of death problem on Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles have winded down, especially since reports said its failure rate dropped to 16% from what retailers claim to be over 30%, you may want to reconsider. Just recently, at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2008, one of Microsoft’s units on display died to the beat of flashing red rings.

As you’ll see in the video below, at Microsoft’s XNA booth where aspiring developers can learn how to make games, one Xbox 360 malfunctioned and showcased the popular RROD. It does look like its vents are blocked off, so perhaps the heat eventually caused its death.



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