Nintendo Wii fully hacked? | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Nintendo Wii fully hacked?

30 12 2007

A group from the 24th Annual Chaos Communication Congress (24AC3) have just shown off a live demonstration of homebrew running on the Wii!

Yes, on the Wii itself, and not via the GameCube backwards compatibility feature of Nintendo’s latest console. Proof? They were able to use the Wiimote’s motion-sensing capabilities in conjunction with the homebrew program, as you’ll see in a video we linked to below.

As soon as we hear more news from the team, we’ll let you know what’s going on.

>Watch the demonstration<



One response to “Nintendo Wii fully hacked?”

30 12 2007
Nintendo Wii fully hacked? (17:15:42) :

[...] post by p0Wer and software by Elliott [...]

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