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Devil May Cry 4 PS3 update: 4900MB HDD install, PSN support

28 12 2007

A few members of the NeoGAF forums were able to get hold of the latest copy of Famitsu magazine and learned a couple of exciting details about the PlayStation 3 version of Devil May Cry 4 (also on Xbox 360 and PC).

This latest iteration of the DMC franchise was originally a PS3-exclusive but Capcom ultimately decided to have it as well on other next-gen platforms.

Despite that, it seems that DMC 4 PS3 is given enough attention especially with these features:

* HDD install is 4900MB (4.9GB).
* Save files are 3392KB.
* Some variety of PSN support.
* 5.1 LPCM audio.

While the save file and audio details are nothing new, we are interested about the rather huge amount of space the HDD install requires. If this turns out to be accurate, then we may be on our way to having a really seamless gameplay experience.

There is still no word regarding the specific features for the Xbox 360 and PC build but we believe that Capcom will soon be keeping all of us posted.