PSP firmware 3.73, hardly any changes? | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

PSP firmware 3.73, hardly any changes?

30 11 2007

After Sony releasing and the decrypting of PSP FW 3.73, Mathieulh and Dark_AleX say that the only changes they’ve uncovered so far are the module versions and the index.dat/version.txt file that displays the firmware version. Mathieulh also says that there’s over 20 different bytes worth of changes to lflash_fatfmt. The kernel and csh modules as well as the rco files remain unchanged.

Both Mathieulh and Dark AleX are still examining the recently-released PSP firmware 3.73 just so they don’t miss anything, but Mathieulh says that it looks like the firmware “does not need ANY patches to be modified/updated in any way to run a custom firmware.”



4 responses to “PSP firmware 3.73, hardly any changes?”

1 12 2007
alexis (18:22:39) :

where can i download 3.73 HX-1

1 12 2007
michaelp (21:21:34) :

There is not 3.73HX-1 out.
Also, you will get more and faster responses in the forums. :D

1 12 2007
unknown (23:53:00) :

i need cfw 3.73 hx-1 or cfw 3.72-hx-1 my msn is [email protected]

2 12 2007
michaelp (02:51:52) :

Register on the forums and ask. ;)

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