Oblivion for the PSP?! | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Oblivion for the PSP?!

19 01 2008

Retailer GameStop had hinted by way of repeated adverts that Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion was still on its way to retail. This RPG’s possible arrival on Sony’s handheld system were recently stymied by rumors that the devs had decided to toss Oblivion into, well, oblivion.

Fast forward to now. Amazon.com is hinting that Oblivion for the PSP is still in the works. The online retailer currently prices the title at US$ 39.99, with an expected release date of June 30, 2008. Those with keener eyes may also take note of the ESRB M-rating on the packshot’s lower left.

We’re not too sure about the validity of this Amazon offer at the moment… We’ll let you know if we find any more related information. Until then, you’ll want to keep this snippet in the rumor mill.



One response to “Oblivion for the PSP?!”

13 11 2008
Ramiro Warner (00:22:46) :


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