DAX’s “Hello World” app: Fullscreen TV out for Homebrew | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

DAX’s “Hello World” app: Fullscreen TV out for Homebrew

15 10 2007

Dark AleX has created a program that allows programmers to access PSP Slim & Lite’s TV out capabilities using component, composite, and d-terminal cables. More than a full program, this one is more of a “Hello World” proof that such can be done.

Art added that the resolution for composite cables is 720×503 while using component cables will yield a resolution of 720×480. The program has not been tested formally with D-terminal cables but it basically uses the same code as that of the component’s.

Art added:

To use it in your code, you just have to replace the call to sceDisplaySetMode with the call to my custom function pspDveMgrSetVideoOut (which calls sceImposeSetVideoOutMode, which at the end calls sceDisplaySetMode), and be aware of the bigger resolution.

This really is an exciting development especially that Sony has reiterated time and again that certain cables can be only used for certain functions.




One response to “DAX’s “Hello World” app: Fullscreen TV out for Homebrew”

17 10 2007
cool (06:19:36) :


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