PS3 Bluetooth Headset & SOCOM: Confrontation | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

PS3 Bluetooth Headset & SOCOM: Confrontation

9 09 2008

So I was emailed this video, displaying the new upcoming PS3 bluetooth headset along side SOCOM: Confrontation clips, check it out:

Pretty neat huh?



3 responses to “PS3 Bluetooth Headset & SOCOM: Confrontation”

13 09 2008
matt richkid (12:18:33) :

Love your site it is very informative am going to research the other posts to see what else I can learn, cheers! and keep up the great work!

13 09 2008
Be A Go Getter (16:31:29) :

I sorry my english not perfect, but I like very much your blog! Happy! :)

28 09 2008
Pak Tam (01:14:19) :

I’ve heard some goody things about this blog. Remember to balance the pics with the text tho. cheers!

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