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Buzz! Quiz TV Receives Trophies

6 08 2008

Yeah that’s right. All Buzz! Quiz TV players out there will now be able to earn trophies when playing the game. Here’s the trophy list:

Bronze Trophies

Sofa Subjugator Bronze - Win 5 Sofa vs Sofa games
The Barnard Award Bronze - Score over 1500 points in Single player
Lonesome and Loving it Bronze - Play 5 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Bronze - Play 1 MyBuzz game
Sofa Surfer Bronze - Play 1 Sofa vs Sofa game
Socialite Bronze - Play 5 Multiplayer games

Silver Trophies

Sofa Subjugator Silver - Win 20 Sofa vs Sofa games
The Barnard Award Silver - Score over 3000 points on single player
Lonesome and Loving it Silver - Play 20 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Silver - Play 20 MyBuzz games
Sofa Surfer Silver - Play 15 Sofa vs Sofa games
Socialite Silver - Play 20 multiplayer games
He’s on Fire! - Correctly answer 10 questions in a row. (Hidden)

Gold Trophies

Sofa Subjugator Gold - Win 50 sofa vs sofa games
The Barnard Award Gold - Score 5000 points in single player
Lonesome and Loving it Gold - Play 50 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Gold - play 50 MyBuzz games
Sofa Surfer Gold - Play 40 Sofa vs Sofa games
Socialite Gold - Play 50 multiplayer games
Lightning Reactions - Correctly answer 3 questions in a row in under 0.5 seconds (Hidden)

Platinum Trophies

Buzz’s New Best Friend

PS3 Firmware v2.42 Released

30 07 2008

Yep, PS3 firmware v2.42 has been released. Nothing special is included, perhaps it’s preparing itself for Playstation’s Life With Playstation?

Eric Lempel said the update “improves the playback quality of some PLAYSTATION 3 and PlayStation format software”. What these games are exactly, - we don’t know.


Killzone 2 E3 2008 Trailer

16 07 2008

Sony PS3

Sony recently published Killzone 2’s latest trailer for yesterdays Playstation E3. The game looks stunning, we just hope that the long wait for the game is worth it.

[Source: PS3.Kombo]

Sony Playstation E3 Press Conference Over, Recap Time!

15 07 2008

Playstation Logo

Alright everybody, we all know what happened yesterday, at Microsoft’s E3 - Final Fantasy XIII will now be released on the 360 as well as PS3. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, however, the title Final Fantasy XIII Versus is still a PS3 exclusive, so it’s not all that bad.

Sony’s E3 press conference just finished, and I must say - some bombs have been dropped. The conference revealed some amazing upcoming titles and updates for Sony PS3, PS2 and PSP.

This is going to be one big-ass post and we don’t want to kill the homepage, so to view the full post and all the exciting details on new PS3 exclusives and software for this year’s Sony PS3 press conference, click below:

Read the rest of this entry »

Nintendo E3 press conference over, a quick recap..

15 07 2008

For those who didn’t see the Nintendo E3 press conference which has just recently finished, here’s a quick recap at what happened throughout the show:

Shaun White Snowboarding:
9.05AM: Snowboarding game using the Wiimote and balance board demonstrated by Shaun White.

Shaun White Snowboarding Wii

Animal Crossing Wii Demo:
9.25AM: A demo of Animal Crossing shown, confirmed release date this year. Wiispeak is announced, microphone for Wii and use in Animal Crossing.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Rayman Raving Rabbits TV, Call of Duty: World at War Trailers Displayed:
9.37AM: All above shown, trailers etc.

Guitar Hero, Spore - DS:
9.41AM: Guitar Hero On Tour DS Displayed
9.42AM: Spore Creatures DS Displayed

GTA On the DS:
9.43AM: GTA on the DS officially announced to arrive this Winter.

Wii Motion Plus Announced:
9.47AM: An addition to the current Wiimote, an add-on which increases sensitivity etc on the Wiimote.
9.48AM: Wii Sports Resort Announced, comes with the new Wii Motion Plus add-on.
9.50AM: Wii Sports Resort Demoed with the new Wii Motion Plus.
9.55AM: Wii Music Demoed, use the Balance board, Wiimote + Nunchuck to represent musical instruments and play them through the Wii in real time.

Wii Music

Recap of the presentation:
10:10AM: End of the conference.

We were really impressed with the game ‘Shaun White Snowboarding’, it’s a great use of the current Wii balance board. Wii Music looked fun, we’re sure we’ll have a good laugh with it!

Sony Playstation E3 conference, what we’ve been told.

15 07 2008

UPDATE: Click here to find out what really happened at this years Playstation E3.

So we’ve just been talking with a Sony Playstation rep regarding the upcoming Playstation E3 conference which is being held later on today.

According to the rep, Sony have some interesting things to unveil at the show. The first thing which caught our attention was 4 new PS3 exclusive games which are to be released later on in the year and early 2009. These 4 new games will be shown as well as the following games which have been officially confirmed by Sony:

Killzone 2 (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
MotorStorm Pacific Rift (PS3)
PixelJunk Eden (PS3)
Resistance 2 (PS3)
SIREN: Blood Curse Episode #1 (PSN)
SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3)
Buzz! Master Quiz
Buzz! Quiz TV

We’re guessing that one of the 4 games to be announced by Sony later on today will be God of War 3. For the others, we’re unsure.

The Sony rep said that Home has a few more features/additions and these will also be demonstrated. What these features are exactly, we don’t know.

A new Playstation controller is also supposed to be in the making. Apparently it has a much longer battery life (not that the current controllers don’t have a long battery life!), will be lighter than the current DualShock3, and of course will include rumble. A wireless headset is also said to be included in future PS3 packages and we’re told that we could be seeing a new PS3 bundle in time for Christmas. With Resistance 2 being released in November, there’s a very good chance that Resistance 2 could be part of the new PS3 bundle.

A new PS3 firmware is supposed to be demonstrated, displaying “In game mic chat”. A few more “surprises” will be detailed later today, we’re not told what, so we’ll just have to sit back and wait.

As this is not officially confirmed by Sony, we’re currently calling all this a rumour for now - we’ll see it all happen later on today.

New Resistance 2 Trailer For E3

15 07 2008

Insomniac have created another great looking Resistance 2 trailer getting us ready for the game release in November 08.

This trailer will be one of the videos used today at Sony press conference - E3. Check it out:

Microsoft Announce 20GB Pricecut and a 60GB X360.

14 07 2008

Okay so it’s day 1 of E3, and we’re going to be keeping you up to date with all the interesting announcements which are made from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

Today, Microsoft officially announced that the 20GB Xbox 360 will be sold at $299 per unit. Here’s what Microsoft had to say:

We know consumers need more and more space to store the amazing digital content Xbox 360 offers, and we’re giving it to them at no extra charge. No one device offers the depth and breadth of entertainment that Xbox 360 can deliver, and now you’ll have three times the storage to manage all that great content.

As well as this Microsoft have said they will be releasing a 60GB Xbox 360 for the same price as the old 20GB - $349.

Hold up, if you live outside North America - don’t get too excited:

The 60GB Xbox 360 and the 20GB clearance sale are for the US only. We have not announced any changes in Xbox 360 offerings or pricing in Europe.

It’ll be interesting how Sony responds; tomorrow.

Pain Receives Minor Update

13 07 2008


We’ve just been informed that PS3’s game Pain has received a minor update.

Nothing great appears to be within the update except just a few bug fixes and adverts for other games avaliable on the PSN store now appear on Pain’s loading screens. We’re guessing that the update is also preparing itself for it’s upcoming trophy update too. That’s right, we think trophies in Pain are not far off!

Super Stardust HD Trophy Patch v4.0 Released, Again..

8 07 2008

Super Stardust HD

IC3BLAK has got in touch with us again, and has confirmed that the Super Stardust HD trophy patch v4.0 has now been re-released. So, head on over to Super Stardust HD (that is, if you have it) and launch the game, the patch should begin to download.

It’s trophy time!