Call of Duty (6) Modern Warfare 2 Teaser - Secrets Unveiled! New perks, locations, Easter eggs… | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Call of Duty (6) Modern Warfare 2 Teaser - Secrets Unveiled! New perks, locations, Easter eggs…

27 03 2009

So, I’ve gone through the new Modern Warfare 2 trailer multiple times and here’s what I’ve found within the teaser.

4 new perks, new locations etc. I hope this video makes more sense to those who were confused about the original trailer - what exactly it was about, etc. ;)



11 responses to “Call of Duty (6) Modern Warfare 2 Teaser - Secrets Unveiled! New perks, locations, Easter eggs…”

27 03 2009
Laland (15:08:25) :

You know that they dropped Call of Duty from the title, right? It’s called Modern Warfare 2 and nothing else.

27 03 2009
Blackice (15:17:09) :

The arrow which you claim is the last perk is actually just part of the “airport” or whatever scene they are in and the second perk looks like extreme conditioning…

27 03 2009
Balloonsfor600 (16:55:11) :

I disagree with the assessment that there are 4 new perks - I think that last symbol is an arrow on the signs you see in subways and airports. I think the first three are indeed new perks, but the last one isn’t as small as the perk symbols and does not have the fade-off effect at the edges.

27 03 2009
secretmessenger (17:06:38) :

teddy bear could be the teddy bear you can get in cod5 dlc meaning new zombies

27 03 2009
tyrone (17:06:47) :

i think the second one is the dual wielding guns

27 03 2009
Anonymous (17:45:37) :

I think he says “Remember, no Russian” as in “don’t speak in Russian.”

27 03 2009
Anonymous (18:42:04) :

actually only 3 new perks

27 03 2009
Anonymous (18:57:29) :

The one with the ring around it is possibly greater grenade damage. The last was not a perk like everyone else has said.

27 03 2009
Anonymous (19:31:16) :

… you need to fill your time better.

28 03 2009
NoResponse (01:38:16) :

The teddy bear isn’t a easter egg. It’s been in all the previous Infinity Ward WWII games. Here’s a screenshot of it from Call of Duty 2…

Evil Bear

28 03 2009
Anonymous (23:05:23) :

i think you probably just get four perks instead of three.

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