Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos

10 11 2007

Thought that Luigi was not going to be included in Super Mario Galaxy? Think again!

kakkoister from YouTube has recorded off his TV screen proof that Luigi is in the game.

Super Mario Galaxy is the latest in the long line of Super Mario Bros. games and will be released in North America this November 12, exclusively for the Wii.

-Video 1-

-Video 2-



5 responses to “Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos”

10 11 2007
Nintendo » Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos (16:50:34) :

[...] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptJust when you thought Luigi was out of the running in Nintendo’s latest iteration to the Super Mario Bros. series, here’sa couple of videos proving that the red-suited plumbers trusty brother is still here to help him in his latest … [...]

10 11 2007
10 11 2007
11 11 2007
www.gamesandgames.info » Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos (07:24:31) :

[...] p0Wer added an interesting post on Wii: Super Mario Galaxy - Luigi gameplay videos.Here’s a small excerpt:All the familiar elements in a typical Super Mario game are still there - from golden coins to Goombas, as well as the familiar Starman items, which now play a pivotal role in the game’s plot. With Mario and Luigi back in the game, … [...]

12 11 2007
neil (11:45:09) :

woah how do you do that?!

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