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Wii sales to hit 100 million in 2012

21 01 2008

Japanese market analyst Yuta Sakurai is convinced that by the year 2012, Nintendo would have sold 100 million Wii units across the world. Credit that to the market-expanding innovations that Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata and his team implemented.
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Sony planning to connect PS3 to various devices to increase sales

12 12 2007

In an effort to increase PlayStation 3 sales even further, Sony Corporation CEO Howard Stringer revealed their three-year business plan, which involves connecting their next-gen PlayStation 3 console to several other devices such as the PSP handheld and mobile phones.

Sony will first concentrate on connecting the PlayStation 3 to the PSP, and then will move on to other devices. Not much has been revealed about how exactly the PlayStation 3 will be connected to mobile phones, however.

This idea was a brainchild of former Sony Corp. CEO Nobuyuki Idei before he was replaced by Stringer.