Forum Update - Game sections - Call of Duty forum added! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Forum Update - Game sections - Call of Duty forum added!

9 03 2008

A while back Jimmarn suggested that instead of having a games forum for each console, we should have one big games forum for all consoles. Today I merged all the seperate game sections together and this means that all game discussion, whether it’s a PS3 game or a Wii game, will go in the big “Games” category. This forum can be accessed through the forum index.

As well as this, I have added a forum dedicated to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as a subforum within the Games category. Not only am I a big fan of this game myself, I know a lot of you guys are too, which is why I did this. You can access this new forum by clicking Games > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare from the forum root. Optionally you can click on the Call of duty image in the sidebar under the featured content.

- p0Wer :)



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