iR Shell PSP updates | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

iR Shell PSP updates

16 12 2007

AhMan has released a new version of iR Shell. Actually, two new versions — 3.81 (again) and 3.81.1. Details concerning both are below. Install 3.81 first, then apply the 3.81.1 update.

iR Shell 3.81 bug fix updates:

* Fixed a critical bug in the iR Shell firmware patch which results in unable to launch UMD in XMB and also causes various incompatibility issues with other homebrew apps & seplugins. Just apply the new patch and all issues will be resolved.
* Fixed a bug in Contect Menu which wouldn’t allow you to choose “Select” or “Start” menu items.

The iR Shell 3.81.1 update adds support for Dark_AleX’s multi-disc popsloader. And the 3.81 download is yesterday’s bug fix release; not the November 22nd release.

iR Shell 3.81 (full)
iR Shell 3.81 (update)
iR Shell 3.81.1 (update)

Via PSP-Hacks.



One response to “iR Shell PSP updates”

16 12 2007
danfirst » iR Shell PSP updates (21:45:57) :

[...] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerptAhMan has released a new version of iR Shell. Actually, two new versions — 3.81 (again) and 3.81.1. Details concerning both are below. Install 3.81 first, then apply the 3.81.1 update. iR Shell 3.81 bug fix updates: … [...]

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