Dark AleX’s Time Machine: install 1.50 kernel on your PSP Slim | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Dark AleX’s Time Machine: install 1.50 kernel on your PSP Slim

2 02 2008

Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Dark AleX has certainly contributed a lot to the handheld homebrew scene, and his latest project is certainly looking to be quite the contribution indeed. Introducing the Time Machine, a handy app that installs the 1.50 kernel onto your PSP Slim. Yes, that’s what it does, and there’s a video to prove it, too!

Of course, installing the 1.50 kernel onto your PSP Slim may not be the only thing it does, as Mathieulh has revealed that Time Machine is still a work in progress, and is not yet the final product. We’re certainly curious ourselves as to what else Time Machine can do, but until we get more info about it, we’ll just have to let this video of it in action tide us over. Enjoy!



2 responses to “Dark AleX’s Time Machine: install 1.50 kernel on your PSP Slim”

14 06 2008
dark alex s time machine (04:07:46) :

[...] dark alex has certainly contributed a lot to the handheld homebrew scene, and his latest …http://game-warp.com/psp/dark-alexs-time-machine-install-150-kernel-on-your-psp-slim/Dark_Alex&aposs Time Machine preview - MaxConsole ForumsNews Hacking Games for PS2, Xbox 360, [...]

27 07 2008
Cannon0014 (17:48:06) :

ok well i see the 1.50 on the slim but can u provide the files needed for that because i got a slim and the time machine with the 150.pbp and the 340.pbp and when ever im in the process of doin it it gets up to the point where it says “reading 340.pbp…OK” then it says
“Verifying data… Incorrect MD5.” what does this mean?

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