1 seg hack for PSP fat | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

1 seg hack for PSP fat

20 10 2007

Based on a tip we picked up from Thomas k., it looks like the PSP Slim’s TV tuner attachment has been hacked to work on the PSP Phat. According to Thomas, he uncovered this possibility by way of a video demonstration and of a tutorial found on the web. We’ll be posting the video first to give you an idea of how the hack looks:


Thomas was also kind enough to explain part of the tutorial, which was originally written in Japanese:

The tutorial says that we have to get the mentioned files from a dump of the firmware update (since in the phat PSP they are not installed) and throw in the flash0 memory. And the last file vshmain.prx should be hex edited to hack the “Network Update” icon on the XMB to activate the 1seg tunner.

While Thomas was unable to fully confirm the hack for himself (No tuner or air signals in Brazil), he stated that a fellow Brazilian living in Japan reports that the hack works, although the Phat has poorer reception than the Slim.

Our tipster further noted that he has also translated the Japanese 1seg hack tutorial into Brazilian Portuguese and posted it at the Brazilian Orkut community site. Those interested in checking out Thomas’ full tutorial instructions can visit the site via the Read link provided below.




7 responses to “1 seg hack for PSP fat”

20 10 2007
My Ghillie » 1 seg hack for PSP fat (12:28:11) :

[...] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerpt [...]

18 03 2008
Bob (17:49:44) :

yeah, you kinda took off the video. :/

19 04 2008
kid (16:26:48) :

whers the vid evey wesite says go to that vid its not there and give a totorial plz i realy want this

29 05 2008
kaitou kid (09:28:52) :


13 06 2008
dark_dodie (09:05:50) :

fuck u

1 11 2008
fttd (18:40:56) :


13 12 2008
sean583740 (20:57:38) :

if you use the 1seg hack do you still need the 1seg tuner to plug into the psp?

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