Which PS3 games will be receiving trophies? | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Which PS3 games will be receiving trophies?

8 07 2008

We’ve had a few people email us and have asked which games have, or will be receiving a patch to support PS3 trophies.

We’ve been asking around; doing some research and have created list of games which do support, will support or will not be supporting PS3 trophies. Here’s our list:

Games currently with trophies:

Super Stardust HD

Games waiting for a patch to enable trophies:

Buzz! TV Quiz
Burnout Paradise
Heavenly Sword
PixelJunk Monsters
Street Fighter HD

Games which will be launched with trophies:

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Resistance 2
PixelJunk Eden

Games which have been confirmed NOT to be receiving trophies:

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Race Driver GRID
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Civilization Revolution
Devil May Cry 4 (very unlikely to receive patch)
Super Puzzle Fighter HD (very unlikely to receive patch)



6 responses to “Which PS3 games will be receiving trophies?”

8 07 2008
psn:dand008 (17:25:54) :

there aren’t a lot of games getting trophies.

8 07 2008
» Which PS3 games will be receiving trophies? (17:29:58) :

[...] You can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here [...]

8 07 2008
p0Wer (17:56:07) :

@Dand008: With time, more game developers should be announcing trophy support for games. :)

8 07 2008
PS3 Fan (22:54:46) :

Cant wait to get the first trophy in the cabinet. Best comes to those who wait.

11 08 2008
Jon (22:48:22) :

Does anyone know when these games will be getting trophy support
….i know uncharted now has trophies, but what are the dates the other game will be recieving them!?!?!?

22 12 2008
sam boii (19:09:47) :

littlebig planet has loads of trophies and cod5 / burnout paradise has a lot as well hope that helped

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