Unreal Tournament 3: PS3 mod cooking update coming soon | Game-Warp.com - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

Unreal Tournament 3: PS3 mod cooking update coming soon

4 01 2008

Here’s some good news for the gamers with a knack for making and using mods for the PS3 port of Unreal Tournament 3. Epic Games’ Mark Rein dropped by the UT3 forums earlier today to announce that they’ll be releasing an update to the game’s Engine Editor. Quoting part of his announcement:

We’re very close to releasing an update to the Unreal Engine 3 editor, that comes with the PC version of UT3, that will allow UT3 mod-makers to cook their mods into the required PS3 format. We’ve been doing some internal testing and we’re hoping to expand to a wider group tomorrow or Friday.

Rein further added that this update should be up and about by next week. Well, here’s to hoping the update fixes some of the problems players were experiencing when they attempted to run user-created content on the game. We’ll let you know if anything new turns up.



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