PS3 to get DivX in a future firmware update | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

PS3 to get DivX in a future firmware update

14 11 2007

It’s now confirmed that the, Sony’s PlayStation 3, will be integrated with DivX technology. DivX Inc. just announced that they are now currently working on certifying the PS3 for DivX. This is to ensure good quality video playback on Sony’s next-gen console.

The DivX support for the PS3 will be installed to the console units on a later software update,so you better update to Sony’s future firmware update if you wish to take advantage of this. DivX be used in playing media aswell as used in gaming technology.



2 responses to “PS3 to get DivX in a future firmware update”

14 11 2007
14 11 2007
PS3 to get DivX in a future firmware update | Console Gaming (10:23:38) :

[...] post by p0Wer [...]

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