PS3 Firmware 2.36 Released, 2.40 Coming Soon! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

PS3 Firmware 2.36 Released, 2.40 Coming Soon!

18 06 2008

PS3 2.36

Sony have released PS3 update 2.36 today, the same day v2.40 was allegedly being released. The update is very minor, perhaps it has something to do with v2.40?

Here’s what PlayStation had to say:

A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) has launched, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles.

Like I said, very minor update! But there’s some even better news for us. v2.40 firmware has been confirmed by Sony and here’s what they had to say regarding the future update:

We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements.

Very exciting Sony, but there’s no release date..? When can we be expecting to see this - perhaps at E3?

So guys, just sit back, play some MGS4 and we’ll keep you keep you posted!

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2 responses to “PS3 Firmware 2.36 Released, 2.40 Coming Soon!”

19 06 2008
TRASHED69 (13:17:59) :

omg man y is it that ur site says that there is no release date and other sites say that it is coming this month , july DUDE WHEN IS IT COMING WHO CARES IF ITS TEN YEARS WE WANT DATESSSSSSSSSSSSS

30 06 2008
Sony unveils PS3 v2.40 firmware video (part 1) | - Nextgen gaming news, hacks, media & more! (13:55:02) :

[...] so not long ago Sony informed us of their official confirmation regarding PS3 v2.40 firmware update. We also saw a video of v2.40 displayed on a debug PS3 unit in it’s development stage. But [...]

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