MGS4 Database On PSN and free Downloadable Content! | - Nextgen gaming news, downloads, media & more!

MGS4 Database On PSN and free Downloadable Content!

19 06 2008

MGS4 Database

We all know that MGS4 has been a huge success - no doubt about it! MGS4 has increased PS3 sales massively and will continue to do so.

Following the success of the game, Sony have released a Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots database up for download on the PSN store! If you don’t know what the database is, or you’d like to know more, continue reading!

The following is a description of what the “Database” does, and what Brandon Laurino (Konami Online) had to say about it:

The MGS4 Database is a free, downloadable interactive application that contains the official knowledge base of everything that is Metal Gear, reaching all the way back to the very beginning of the franchise. Including complete storylines, character profiles, relationship diagrams, and much more! The MGS4 database is a great way to catch up for someone new to Metal Gear, as well as a useful resource for any veteran of the series, with complete official details on every aspect of the intricate Metal gear lore.

MGS4 Snake

The MGS4 Database also contains a special feature – if you want to make use of the database, but have not yet fully played through MGS4 yet and are worried about spoilers – all MGS4 spoilers are “blacked out” until you’ve beaten MGS4. Give it a try!

Oh, and by the way… There’s more!

That’s not all, within MGS4, check out the EXTRAS option of the main menu (if you haven’t already). There’s already new, free downloadable content available for the game - with new camouflage and a new music track for the in game iPod. There will be more forthcoming, so be sure to check this often!

So, that’s a database regarding everything “Metal Gear”, MGS4 downloadable content and more! Sounds awesome, in fact, I’m going to download this baby right now… Thanks Sony/Konami/Kojima!

(10 users have said 'Thanks'!)
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3 responses to “MGS4 Database On PSN and free Downloadable Content!”

19 06 2008
yes!!! (11:40:30) :

omg nice!!

25 06 2008
roy (00:03:51) :

how do i use it

25 06 2008
p0Wer (00:05:35) :

@Roy: Download it from the PSN, and the launch it from your PS3’s XMB.

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