Rumor: PS3 Home beta to be released soon?

29 11 2007

It looks like there still are several rumors about the early release date of PlayStation Home floating about, and this is no exception: a poster in the Europe PlayStation forums talked about another early PlayStation Home release, this time based on PlayStation 3’s latest ad campaign.

According to one of the PlayStation forum posters, Sony supposedly hinted about Home’s early release in the recent ad campaign, since PlayStation Home is paired with Idol Mind’s PlayStation Network exclusive PAIN. PAIN is scheduled for release on November 29.

This theory was debunked by Europe PlayStation forum community team member BetaBoy, however, saying that it is “totally rumour and speculation”. While it’s too bad that we won’t see PlayStation Home sooner, we’d just have to wait for its launch like good little boys and girls. For now, we’ll just have to make do with news about Home’s progress.

More updates to come soon!



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