Why this website isn’t a pornographic website

I will start this off by saying that I would personally like to have a pornographic website. There are many benefits to it. But there are many troubles you’re faced with when making a pornographic website.

1. Hosting: I’d have to buy or rent a server that allows pornographic content and as far as I know servers are expensive to buy and you need a really fast connection and renting porn servers is just as expensive.
2. Content: I don’t have any female friends whom are willing to take pictures naked or in sexual poses that are over 18. If I don’t have porn to post having the domain (website name) and the server (where everything is) will be for nothing. In any case I could steal it from other websites, porn is easy to find. But this brings in another problem: Copyright. I could get a lawsuit for doing that. Which sort of leads to the third and final problem.
3. Underage Girls: There is the possibility that underage girls might post pictures of themselves. This is called Child Pornography (even if you’re 17 and it’s the day before you turn 18, you’re still underage)… So, if I posted Child Porn here I could get stalked by the FBI or whatever and basically and potentially go to jail for a long time. This is really bad too, many girls look older then 18. So, the potential risk of going to jail is just too much.

So, basically the real reasons I don’t start a porn website: not enough money, no models and too much risk.

Why the post? Well, I was bored. In any case, if a rich girl that is hot and over 18 wishes to start a pornography related website then you may contact me.

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